Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Catherine Rahman Portfolio

 Link to portfolio PDF.

What Are You?

"What Are You?"

39"x 23"
Colored pencil, vellum, acrylic paint and a hand carved wood frame
Catherine Rahman

Old photos of people with leprosy and other disfiguring skin conditions inspired this piece.  What Are You? Is about being the outsider. But I also want to celebrate its deformity as a thing of beauty. This piece is basically a glamor shot. I hand craved eyes into the frame to symbolize the gaze of the viewer onto the viewed.  It is surrounded by skin flakes, which I created using acrylic paint and vellum.


8"x 10"
Colored pencil
Catherine Rahman

Out Like A Lamb

"Out Like A Lamb"

26"x 26"
Colored pencil and acrylic paint on hand carved wood
Catherine Rahman

This piece was inspired by classical paintings of personified seasons. The winter of 2014 was a particularly harsh one. This was an expression of my relief for the coming spring. Even if winter seems to hang around forever eventually it fade and be replaced by the next season.

Toe Jam

"Toe Jam"

12” x 12”
Acrylic paint and colored pencil on found wood
Catherine Rahman

Back To School Shopping

"Back To School Shopping"
9" x 12"
Colored pencil on handmade paper
Catherine Rahman

Buy One, Get One Free

"Buy One, Get One Free"
9" x 12"
Colored pencil on handmade paper
Catherine Rahman